FEBRUARY 17-23, 2025
36722 C.R. 52 – DADE CITY, FLORIDA
Fair Theme for 2025: Experience The Magic!
Ken & Rachael Woodard Co-Chairs Email:, Call or Text 352-507-8458
ENTRY DATES: Sat. February 1st: 9am till 3pm Sat. February 8th: 9am till 3pm at the fairgrounds or you may drop off Fair Entries at Quilted Twins on Thursday Feb, 6th, from 10 am to 3 pm. On Friday Feb 7th all entries need to be taken to the fairgrounds from 9 am to 3 pm. Pasco County Fairgrounds are located at 36722 St. Rd. 52, Dade City. Items will need to be taken to the Collura Cottage at the fairgrounds.
NOTE: Baked goods can only be submitted on Saturday Feb 15th, 10am - 3pm
PICK UP DATE: Mon. February 24 – 9am till 3pm
HOME ARTS ONLY WILL BE ACCEPTED ON: Saturday Feb 15th, 10am - 3pm Home Arts include Baked Goods, Canning/Food Preservation, Decorated Cakes, and Table Theme
You may pre-register by using the entry form available online. Otherwise bring your form and your entry on the dates listed. If you have any questions please call or text Rachael @ 352-507-8458
Vera Cox “Excellence in Quilting” AWARD Vera Cox was an exceptionally gifted and talented quilter with an unwavering dedication to the art of quilting. In honor and tribute to Mrs. Cox the Collura Cottage Exhibit judges will be giving this award to the quilt that best represents a Vera Cox quilt. Vera, who passed away in 2012 was admired by everyone that knew her. To own a Vera Cox quilt is to own a piece of history and a treasured heirloom. A Rosette ribbon, will be awarded to the entry that is considered superior by the judges.
F. J. Collura “MOST CREATIVE” AWARD A special award was established in 2013 as a tribute to F.J. Collura, the son of a fair founder who grew up at the fair and followed in his father’s footsteps as a fair supporter. He served as board president, general manager and was director emeritus at his death in August 2012 at age 67. The Collura Cottage Exhibits are housed in the Collura Building named in honor of his father, Joe Collura. F. J. was a kind, caring, community minded individual and truly one of a kind. A Rosette ribbon will be awarded to the entry that is judged to be the most unique entry.
JUDGINGAll entries will be judged using the Danish system of judging. Each entry will be given the Blue, Red or White ribbon it deserves. Grand Champion Rosettes will be chosen and awarded as selected from the Blue Ribbons given by the judges.
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS1. The Collura Cottage Exhibits are open to all residents of Pasco County, (including seasonal residents), age 14 and older. Exhibitor MUST live in Pasco County and MUST provide proof of residency upon request.
2. All entries must have been completed in the last five years and must be clean, free of spoilage, odor free, suitable for public viewing, completely finished and made by the exhibitor. Articles previously shown may not be entered.
3. For your protection, the exhibitors' names, addresses, zip codes, and phone numbers should be on the back of each item. Canning entries should have personal information on the bottom of each item. E-mail addresses are appreciated but not required. Needlework, pictures, etc., should be framed, matted, and wired for hanging.